sábado, 5 de maio de 2012

My Lover

When my lover lost her mind
She was locked and left to dream
With the bright moon in the sky
And the other in the sea

In her dreams, she'd stay unshy
Living all she could have been
Wished to fly up to the sky
And descend into the sea

As her tower grew, so high
Out her windows, she could see
She was closer to the sky
She was farther from the sea

Once the night came, she would try
Her great dream-inspired wings
She wanted to reach the sky
She wanted to touch the sea

Like an angel, she would fly
She'd wake up and live those dreams
As her soul rose to the sky
All the rest sank down the sea

Um comentário:

Giovanna disse...

Que lindo, Ale! Eu nunca tinha lido esse poema em inglês. É legal que a emoção que eu sinto toda vez que o leio não se perdeu! Amando esse post até minha morte <3